Title tags, anchor text 'most vital in SEO'

The most important ranking factors in search engine optimisation(SEO) include title tags, anchor text, unique inbound links and use of social media and mobile advertising.

This is according to Rand Fishkin, a speaker at the recent SMX Advanced event, and Mike McDonald of WebProNews, who also concluded that the least important ranking factors are H1 tags, keyword density and W3C validation.

When it comes to using title tags in an effective way, it is advisable to insert key terms as early as possible into each tag and to ensure every website page has its own relevant title tag, Mr McDonald and Mr Fishkin stated.

"It's 2009 and a lot of today's fundamental ranking factors are very similar to the same stuff that worked in 2005, 2006 [and] 2007," Mr McDonald remarked, adding: "A lot of the basic things have been pretty consistent."

Earlier this month, a poll by Forbes.com found that SEO, pay-per-click ads and email marketing are seen as the most effective online marketing tactics when it comes to influencing brand perception by senior marketers.
