How Accessibility Is Important To Any Website Design

Over recent years the Internet has become one of the most used sources for research of products and services. In fact 60% of people use the Internet to find a local business service and a further 60% go on to use a service they have found online.

However, there are drawbacks that many web design companies have yet to face. There is a large amount of people that suffer from a range of disorders including colour blindness, hearing problems and no or reduced use of their arms or hands. They find that many web sites do not cater for their needs and therefore become frustrated with certain limitations online.

The Creare Group is a web design and SEO company who make their sites accessible for as many people as possible. They develop their sites to cater for many different needs and comply with the equipment that many people with disabilities use. Sites designed for their customers are dependent on requirements asked for by the customer specifically.

Colour blindness affects more men than women where on average 3% of the population suffer from this condition. There are different types of colour blindness but all cases need to be considered when developing a web design.

The Creare Group develops their web sites with colours in mind to help with SEO campaigns. Links need to be obvious and stand out from the text or have text decoration. Colours too close to each other or those that cause problems for colour blind suffers, will cause frustration and not effectively use the site causing potential sales to be lost.

As well as not seeing colours there is a large percentage of people who suffer from poor eye site or partial blindness. For accessibility it is integral that the text on a web site is can vary in size to allow users to adjust accordingly. This is just another step that The Creare Group take to ensure that their web site designs cater for all needs by being fully functionally and accessible.

Often web sites have the addition of videos but more often than not have no way of letting hard of hearing users know the content. The Creare Group is working towards installing subtitles to follow the words alongside the speaker. This is still in development but this helps to maintain the high standards that The Creare Group try to achieve in ever area of their web design.

"Our aim is to make businesses a success, however you need customers to make this happen. We make our web sites accessible but understand there are more developments we can do to make sure we cater for all online users." Mike McKinlay MD

The Creare Group is proud of their achievements to making their sites - inlcuding ecommerce web design - more accessible. It is vital to find the right company to develop web design so customers are never alienated and can access your site without frustration.

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